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China Harbin International Beer Festival

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                       China Harbin International Beer Festival to open on June 30th

The Harbin municipal government and Harbin Cultural Tourism Group are co-hosting the 2016 China•Harbin International Beer Festival, which will run from June 30th to July 17th at the Harbin Frozen World in Songbei district.

There will be 11 beer tents, 16 food exhibition areas and four cultural exhibition areas. The total area of the beer festival is 600 thousand square meters; the largest beer tent is four thousand square meters. A number of domestic and foreign beer companies will be taking part.The ticket fee will be 20 yuan except on Fridays, Saturdays and at the opening ceremony, when it will rise to 30 yuan.

During the beer festival, ice and snow entertainment, technology displays and art exhibitions will be staged in the Harbin ice and snow world theme park’s indoor hall.